Day 22
Today I was thinking about movies, and the difficulty women face in the movie business...not to mention in the movies themselves. Through the movies, through TV, through comic books, we establish certain, shall we say, customs about the world. Some of these customs have to do with women. Some of them are...not so good.
No one ever dreams
They are going to be
The next one…
The woman in the refrigerator…
The woman in the trunk of the car…
The woman lying on the floor of the elevator.
No one ever dreams
This really happens to real women
And so we watch the films
Dished up for us by men
Who can’t imagine why we don’t like
To see women in refrigerators…
Women in the trunk of the car…
Women lying on the floor of the elevator.
It all seems so normal, really
To see women abused in movies
And never notice anything happening
In the world around you
Except for the occasional
Wolf whistle from the street.
At least, it seems normal
If you are a woman.