Of Liberal Intent

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Day 13

Close to the two week mark! Time for a play. I haven’t done a play yet this year, so I decided it was time. This is a play about a subject that will be familiar to many women - women online. All of the comments by Man 1 and Man 2 are drawn from the actual online conversations people hold, even if the words are not identical. We have all observed this phenomenon, at least if we’ve spent any time online. So, my play: Woman Online.


DR. K  - a sociologist and blogger; female
MAN 1 – an internet commenter
MAN 2 – an internet commenter
MAN 3 – an internet commenter
WOMAN – an internet commenter

SETTING:   Early 21st century. Home office. Computer and a coffee pot.

AT RISE:     DR. K is working at her computer. All other voices will be offstage; they come from the computer. If desired, and possible, can use a screen to show the posts.

DR. K: And in conclusion, my research has demonstrated that there is clearly an unconscious bias when reviewing female resumes. The tendency to call back those with male names while rejecting identical resumes with female names is so far above the level of chance that there is little reason to doubt the unconscious sexism. This bias is compounded when the name on the resume suggests that the woman is a person of color. When resumes are reviewed blind, the disconnect between the number of men called for interviews and the number of women called for interviews disappears, and people of color are as likely to get called for an interview as white males. My suggestion is that all human resources reviews are conducted blind until such time as society has been able to adjust these biases. In this way, we will be able to determine if the reason women are more poorly represented in certain fields is an inherent feature of being a woman, or if it is a culturally determined obstacle placed in the way of women. This would also have the effect of helping to rectify the often unconscious bias against people of color.

         DR. K reviews her work.

 DR. K:  Ready. Post.

DR. K gets coffee. The computer makes a noise to indicate there are comments on her article.

 DR. K: Wow. Comments already.

MAN 1: Bitch. Die in a fire.

DR. K: (typing) I’m sorry, did you just tell me to die in a fire?

MAN 2:  Cunt. Whore. Stupid shit bag of a social justice warrior.

MAN 1: Women are biologically inferior to men. This is a scientific fact. It has been proven multiple times.

MAN 2: I hope someone rapes you.

MAN 1: I am going to enjoy stomping you to the curb.

DR. K: I’m sorry, are you trying to respond to my research? Because I’m afraid your response is incoherent.

WOMAN: Hello. Lurker here. I’ve been enjoying your work, and I just had to unlurk to say…you’re the greatest.

MAN 2: Get out of here, you whore.

WOMAN: What did you call me?

MAN 1: Both of you…go find a man and get your hole filled.

MAN 3: This comment thread seems to be going too far. Can’t we have a civilized conversation?

MAN 2: Get out of here, you mangina. You’re only trying to get laid. These feminists will just use you and discard you.

MAN 1: Hey, stupid DR. K, you been riding the cock carousel much?

MAN 2: Nah, she’s too ugly. No man would even rape her.

MAN 3:  I’m sure, if you could present your case, Ms…DR. K…would be able to see the value of…some…of your points. But this sort of talk isn’t going to help.

DR. K:  I…what are you saying?

MAN 1: Stupid whores shouldn’t be allowed on the internet.

MAN 2: Quit posting about things you know nothing about.

DR. K: Excuse me? I am a trained sociologist with numerous citations and credentials. I think I know something about my topic. That’s why I blog on a blog called “Experts Speak”.

MAN 1: I’m coming over to your house and stick my big cock up your fat ass.

WOMAN: Hey, quit talking to Dr. K like that! She is not fat and stupid.

MAN 2: You’re a cow.

MAN 3: If you could just all calm down for a minute, I’m sure we could all get along.

DR. K: I’m sorry, I’m trying to understand what this has to do with my article.

MAN 1: No one will cry when your battered raped face is covered with a body bag, you stupid moose.

MAN 2: I have a long cock, and I know how to make you squeal.

WOMAN: You’re all awful! I hate you all!

MAN 3: I want you to know, Dr. K, that I admire your work, and I support your right to post any sort of nonsense you want.

MAN 1: I think someone’s going to cry!

WOMAN: I am not going to cry. I’m going to get mad. You won’t like me when I’m mad.

MAN 3:  I think that came out wrong…I didn’t mean your post was nonsense. I meant…well, even if it was nonsense, you would have a right to post it.

DR. K: Is this for real? Where did you all come from?

MAN 2: I work in a STEM job, and I promise you, my employer would never accept work so shoddy.

WOMAN: Right. Sure. Like people who work in STEM jobs sit there and announce “I work in a STEM job.” What sort of STEM job, loser?

MAN 1: Women don’t belong on the internet. Come on over, I could use a sandwich.

MAN 2: Can’t you at least post some naked pictures of yourself?

DR. K: Just out of curiosity, if you think I’m a fat, ugly cow, why do you want me to post naked pictures of myself?

MAN 1: Bitch.

MAN 2: Cunt.

MAN 3: Please, Dr. K, I hope you understand that not all men think or act like this. I for one admire women very much, and hope you achieve all your goals.

WOMAN: Dr. K, I think you should call the police.

DR. K: I don’t think this is a case for the police.

MAN 3: These men are threatening you.

MAN 1: Hey, can’t you take a joke?

MAN 2: Rape the fat broad, and get it over with.

WOMAN: Rape threats are not a joke.

MAN 1: Rape jokes are funny!

MAN 2: Feminists are humorless, unloved fat ugly bitches.

DR. K: Why don’t you just leave, then, and let us post our “silly manifestos”?

MAN 1: It’s so hard to be a man today…bitches ruined everything.

AN 2: Hey, cunt, recognize this? (Posts a picture of a house)

DR. K: What…where did you…how?

MAN 2: Even now, someone is watching. See? The WebCam shows every move they make.

DR. K: Leave my parents out of this!

MAN 1: I’ve posted your address to Twitter. Someone will be coming over to rape you very soon.

WOMAN: My god, my god, my god! Please, take care of yourself!

          Lights down. DR. K types.

DR. K: I am going to be away for an unspecified length of time. I have decided it is in my best interests to disappear until things become safer. Trolls contacted my boss, and made up terrible stories about me. It has become impossible for me to continue. Please accept my apologies for deserting you in your hour of need…and it is obvious this is truly an hour of need…but I must pursue my own mental health needs at this time. I do not expect to return to the Internet. Good bye, and good luck.