Women's Writes - Works

Women's Writes

Well-behaved women seldom make history.
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Day 13

Today I give you a poem pulled from memory. I have reached an age where men treat me differently than they did when I was younger. A middle aged woman is easy to ignore, at least until they want someone to bake brownies for the office party. A lot of women still go through this, and my thoughts go out to them. It is not easy to walk the mine field of working in an office beside men.



Okay, so the breasts are large.
That doesn’t mean they are there
For you to stare at.
Yes, my legs curve nicely.
But they are not for you to ogle.
My shoulders slope at just the right angle
From my neck.
That is good for fitting shirts,
But it should not matter to you.
My hips meld into my rounded bottom,
Which I use it to sit on.
Keep your hands off.
My hair is long; it falls down my back.
Stop stroking it and move back.
My neck is smooth and supple.
It is a good neck for holding up my head.
Get your mouth out of it.
My eyes, my lips, my ears…
Important organs
That perform important functions.
I see, I hear, I speak.
I maintain my balance.
I need no compliments on features;
I know they work, and that is what matters.
And I know I work…for you, perhaps,
Maybe with you.
I use my brain, the only part of my body
That does not interest you.
I am a professional.
I am not a sex toy.
Get out of my way
And watch me succeed.