Of Liberal Intent

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Day 19

There are certain things women experience. These are things women have always experienced, throughout human history. Actually, we’re not the only species that has these experiences. It’s pretty universal among sexually reproducing species.



Nine months…for a woman, what does it mean?
If she is a mother, it is the length of gestation.
If she is a teacher, it is the length of the school year.
If she is…well, I’m not sure if it has more meanings.

 Nine months…
Living with something inside you.
Feeding another someone with your food.
Being kicked.
Feeling sick.
Waddling when you walk. 

Nine months.
Waiting, watching.
Careful, don’t fall!
No wine.
Eat right, sleep right.
My clothes don’t fit. 

Nine months.
It seems a lifetime
But then, only a moment.
Swollen legs, morning sickness.
Can’t sleep on my stomach.
Choosing names. 

Nine months.
He brags.
She drags.
Labor pains.
And in the end,
After she does all the work,
The baby gets his last name. 

It could be worse.
The female elephant
Is pregnant for two years.