Women's Writes - Works

Women's Writes

Well-behaved women seldom make history.
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Day 30

With only one more day to go, I decided to try something I haven’t tried before. Could I tell a story in haiku? I have seen it done, but can I do it? I’ll try anything once…sometimes I fail, but in this case, what have I lost? Time, of course, because I’ll still need to write something. But I was game to try. So here it is, a story told in Haiku.


She once had a dream.
It got her up each morning.
Dreams do not come true.

Laundry must be done.
Dishes must be washed and dried.
Meals must be prepared.

She does the housework.
He sits and watches football.
Time for dreams is gone.

Dreams are not for her.
Since she was born a woman.
She must do her chores.

She works a long day.
Her wages are much smaller.
Then she works all night.

The house must be clean.
Children must be washed and fed.
Husband needs free time.

Her dreams are now dust.
Just one more chore she must do.
Sweep away her dreams.

There must be no mess.
Her dreams must be swept away.
They go in the trash.