Women's Writes - Works

Women's Writes

Well-behaved women seldom make history.
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Day 7

Wow. I’m really on a thing about violence lately. I assure you, it has nothing to do with my own life at the time. In fact, I’m on a vacation with my husband in Iowa, along the Des Moines River, enjoying Spring Break. Monday I’ll be back in class, and my mind will return to science and other special things. But the news has been depressing me quite a bit lately, so I continue to return to the thread of domestic violence. Tonight, a poem.



I am power.
I speak to you,
And you listen.
I call for you,
And you come.
I want my lunch,
You bring it.
I want a song,
You sing it.


I am power.
I can hurt you.
I will not stop
Until I am satisfied.
You are mine
And I will hold you
Whether you like it
Or not.


I am power.
I am bigger than you.
I am faster than you.
I can outrun,
Overpower you.
You have no choice
But to submit.


I am power.
I am man.
You are my woman.
I am power.