Of Liberal Intent

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Day 4

Still not catching up, but surely if you saw the day I had, you would understand. Maybe tomorrow? I hope at least two pieces, but I promise nothing.

Today, I decided on another serial haiku. I’ve been having fun with haiku, a poem form I hadn’t done since fourth grade. There are things to be said for it, though most of them are not my type of poem. Still, if one knows how to count syllables, and is willing to work on synonyms, they can be very satisfying. Doing them as a serial set of poems designed to tell a story is actually challenging and fun. Once again I am addressing an all too common problem in the world, the problem of consequences. We must be responsible for our actions, I hear. Yes. I have no problem with that. But why must women also be responsible for the actions of men? So here you are, six haiku to tell a story of consequences.


When a man beats a
Woman nearly to death, he
Too often goes free.

When a woman goes
 On a date with a man, she
Asked for it, they say.

A judge feels sorry
For a man who raped a girl
And ruined his life.

A girl wore lipstick.
A man said she told him yes
By having red lips.


A woman who leaves
Her house by day or by nigh
Should not then cry rape.

Consequences are
Vastly different for a man
Than for a woman.