Women's Writes - Works

Women's Writes

Well-behaved women seldom make history.
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Day Sixteen

I apologize for getting this one up late. I was out yesterday, and when I returned my internet was not working. Much thanks to the technician who sent me an email that allowed me to know my email wasn’t working…but only hours after it was restored.

The other day I channeled Salome, telling her story from a different angle. Today I take on a similar task, this time with Eve, another infamous woman. What did Eve want? Why did she disobey? Here I explore possibilities.


 I am Eve.
I am accused of spoiling everything
For the human race.
My only crime
Was to seek knowledge.
I wanted to know
What made things work,
Why the world was as it was,
Where the animals came from,
Where I came from.

God offered me nothing.
He insisted I submit
And not question his authority.
I obeyed his commands
Until one day someone showed me
The logic of learning,
The importance of understanding.

I chose to eat the apple.
I would do it again.
Knowledge is not a crime.
Understanding is not a sin.
It is only when someone rules you
With absolute power
That they must keep you ignorant.

I will not submit.
I will not forego knowledge
For a precarious safety,
Subject to withdrawal on a whim.
I am Eve.
I am a smart woman.

It seems gods as well as men
Are afraid of smart women.