
Posts tagged CNN

Tuesday night, like most Tuesday nights, I settled in to watch election returns.  To my horror, there were no election returns.  Not, mind you, that I really expected the whole nine yards, with pundits pontificating, or boffins with their sleeves rolled up yelling about what the early returns from Door County told us about the Catholic vote, but I did at least expect that, even in this all-coronavirus all-the-time news cycle, there would at least be the reassuring little box up in the corner showing the percentages,  Nope.  Not even anything in the little cavalcade of minutiae which crawls along the bottom of the screen.  Well, this morning after much too much prowling around news sites, I discovered that all of this was, at least nominally, because there weren’t going to be any returns for a week or so.  Clearly, it’s already become tres gauche to care about who is the president of the United States, though perhaps we have another month or so before giving a damn will become an actual crime.

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