Women's Writes - Works

Women's Writes

Well-behaved women seldom make history.
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Day 20

We are counting down the days, keeping the marathon in motion. Today I give you another poem. Oh, no! Not another poem! I do have a play working, but the challenges of plays means sometimes they take time. At the moment, I do not have a story working, though I had a fleeting essay, so fleeting it fled. Ephemeral idea. So instead, we get a poem because I did have a poem in me today. This one is dedicated to the brave men and woman of SCOTUS who refused to legislate from the bench, and instead…broke precedent to legislate from the bench.


 A young woman
Face down in the grass,
Her fingertips barely touching
The car keys lying by her side.

 Her mother, wailing,
Searching in desperation,
Frantic to find her daughter,
Found her body instead.

 Trail of blood
Up the stairs
Through the hallway
To the bathroom door.

 A pool of blood
Stains the white tile.
A misshapen coat hanger.
I weep for a lost friend.


Robin Buckallew