Women's Writes - Works

Women's Writes

Well-behaved women seldom make history.
— Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Posts tagged Dominance
Day Twenty Seven

I learned a new term today, and spent some time on Google and Wikipedia getting familiar with it. The term was ‘female led relationships’. According to AI, an FLR is ‘a consensual dynamic where the female partner takes the dominant role, often making key decisions and guiding the relationship’s direction, with the male partner in a more supportive role’. Who knew? I had no idea there was such a term, or even that there was a need for such a term. Yeah, I’ve known some relationships where the female definitely had the dominant role in some area, or all areas, of the decision making. I didn’t think much about it; it was a relationship that worked because the female in the relationship was better at those things than the male.

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